Timber School Buildings

Construction of wooden schools

A timber classroom offers a warm, pleasant, and wel­coming atmosphere in which children can thrive.

To make sure that the air in our schools is healthy, we chose materials (insulation, cladding, paints, etc.) with low VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions. We favour the use of natural materials that have been minimally processed. That way children become more aware of the elements which surround them. This awakens their curiosity and contributes to strengthening their link with nature.

Air quality is also ensured by strong ventilation systems (double-flow ventilation (DFV)) which prevent the build-up of CO2 and controls humidity.

Thanks to the high degree of insulation within the timber walls and the installation of energy production
systems (photovoltaic panels, VOC double flux recovery, biomass heating and cogeneration), buildings designed and built by SMC2 have very low energy consumption.

